Hello Vertos If you have given your 4th-semester exam then it’s time to choose an Open Minor or Open Elective for your upcoming semester. You have to give your preference in either Open Minor Preference Polling or Open Elective Preference Polling.

What is engineering Open Minor?
An Open Minor is a group of 4 courses that shall be offered to the students in an unrelated area to develop additional skills enhancing employment opportunities like Management fundamentals, Marketing Management, Banking & Financial Services, etc.
From 2020, some Engineering Minor courses are also offered as open Minor courses like Android App Development, Big data, Dev Ops, Informatica etc.
Polling for Open Minor shall be held only once and selection once made shall automatically lead to the selection of the 4 courses corresponding to the area for subsequent terms. In order to facilitate the students to make the choice when the polling for Open minors starts, School wise folder of the list of open minors to be offered to you is available at the link:
Important Links—>Examination Instructions and Guidelines—>Open Minor Folder
The link to participate in Open Minor Preference Polling is given below-
UMS Navigation —>Learning Management System—>Open Minor Area Preference.
Students who wish to choose Open Minor can provide their preferences in the interface. If you want to study new courses in each semester then go for Open Elective instead of Open Minor.
Note: The students can participate in only one polling i.e. either for Open Minor Preference Polling or the student can participate in the Open Elective Preference Polling.
What is Engineering Open Elective?
Open Elective is same as open minor, this course is offered to the students to develop additional skills enhancing employment opportunities. But in open Elective, you have to choose your subject each semester. In the open elective polling, a student has to choose the courses (as per programme scheme) to study in the next term. For the open electives to be studied in the subsequent terms, separate polling stations shall be scheduled prior to the start of each term.
In order to facilitate the students to make the choice when the polling for Open Elective starts, School wise folder of the list of Open Elective to be offered to you is available at the link:
Important Links—>Examination Instructions and Guidelines—>Open Elective Folder
The link to participate in Open Elective Preference Polling is given below-
UMS Navigation—>Learning Management System—>Open Elective Course Preference.
For any other query, please contact your school Academic Operations Coordinator (AOC)
Also Note:
- The allocation of Open Minor and Open Elective through polling shall be done through allocation criteria based on CGPAand NOT ON FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS.
- The polling process is just for recording preferences. Polling for a particular Open Minor does not guarantee its allocation to the students.
Allocation Criteria for both Open Minor and Open Elective:-
- The allocation criteria for Open Minor and Open Elective is CGPA.
Note: The 1st merit list is generated for the students on the basis of their “Preference 1” only.
In case, the student does not get his/her preference 1 in the first merit list, then, the focus shall shift to the next preference given by him/her in the subsequent merit lists.
for 2nd preference, if the number of seats is available after allocation of First preferences, the student shall get his/her preference 2.
If the no. of preferences exceeds the no. of available seats then the same allocation criteria as mentioned above shall be followed, higher CGPA holders shall be preferred for seat allocation*.
This shall continue for the next preference as well.
*In case of students having the same CGPA, the marks of last qualifying examination shall be considered for selection.
- In case, a student fails to meet the allocation criteria in any of the merit lists, for any of the three preferences, then the Open Elective shall be allocated to him/her by default.